Return to Innocence in 2019 Awareness Through Movement® Classes:
Ring in the New Year returning to innocence and exploring your innate wisdom for moving in the world. Experience: AWARENESS THROUGH...

Awareness Through Movement® Classes Fall Quarter Begins September 11th and 13th, 2018
Experience The Feldenkrais Method® w/ Moondance Forest, Feldenkrais Practitioner. Awareness Through Movement® Classes: Tuesdays ...
Snow Day in Ashland
Snow day, Feb. 22nd 2018, School is closed, so NO CLASS today..See you next week.

2018 Awareness Through Movement Class
Class Schedule for 2018 No Class on Jan. 2nd and 4th, 2018 YES Class on Jan. 9th and 11th, 2018 No Class Jan. 16th, 18th, and 23rd,...

Recent NY Times article on The Feldenkrais Method
Please see link below to interesting article on The Feldenkrais Method. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/30/well/trying-the-feldenkrais-me...

Testimonial from Phil Johncock, Consultant, Jean Houston Foundation
Ashland, OR 2016 After a week of stressful packing, handling last minute challenges and days of sitting and driving under tough weather...

Interview From Locals Guide, Ashland, OR 2016 see also at http://ashland.oregon.localsguide.com/repa
In this interview, local Feldenkrais practitioner Moondance Forest, M.Ed. will talk to us about the Feldenkrais Method® and how it can...

Repatterning The Brain and Body with The Feldenkrais Method®
Norman Doidge, M.D. wrote the New York Times Bestseller, The Brain That Changes Itself, and now his new book on Neuroplasticity, The...

WHO? Benefits from Awareness Through Movement Classes?
Anyone-- young or old, physically challenged or physically fit—those experiencing acute or chronic pain of the back, neck, shoulder, hip,...