Feldenkrais Teacher
© International Feldenkrais® Federation
The Feldenkrais Method® helps people
of all ages learn to move more easily
Research is showing how your brain changes as it learns. Scientists call it “neuroplasticity”—the brain’s extraordinary ability to acquire more efficient patterns of movement and function if given the right environment. Nothing creates that environment like The Feldenkrais Method®, and Awareness Through Movement. Feldenkrais generates the precise conditions that access the intelligence of your nervous system, so you can learn and function at your best.
Gentle innovative lessons allow you to observe how you move, notice unnecessary tension, and improve overall coordination. The Feldenkrais Method® has helped musicians, dancers, actors, students, seniors, children and individuals with special needs—anyone seeking to improve awareness in their quality of movement and life. In classes or private sessions, you will learn to:
• Improve posture, balance
• Ease pain and chronic discomfortand stability
• Aid in recovery from injury or stroke
• Increase energy and stamina
• Sleep more soundly
• Achieve higher performance
• Reduce stress and fatigue
• Improve brain function and concentration
• Move with ease in everyday activities

Feldenkrais Method®
produces postural changes without stretching, strengthen- ing, or struggling. Just easy, gentle movements, done with great awareness. When you can sense yourself more fully, feel the force of gravity traveling through your bones, and easily expand your movement choices, it seems that natural, elegant, graceful carriage just EMERGES. What a great feeling!