Feldenkrais Teacher
My intention is to enhance your ability to move with pleasure, freedom and ease.
I was introduced to Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais and his approach and tools for Awareness Through Movement® in 1994 by Karen Allgire, MFA at Cleveland State University. In her Dance Fundamentals class, I became acquainted with five major figures and systems in the field of movement re-education:
F.M. Alexander, Irmgard Bartenieff, Moshe Feldenkrais, Lulu Sweigard, and Ida Rolf.
I was immediately impressed with the Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement approach to self-exploration, and my experience with this method profoundly effected my understanding of what it meant to be a functional and empowered human being. After finishing the first class, I immediately signed up to take it again and went on to expand my training and practice.
My Feldenkrais journey evolved as I studied for a Masters of Education in Exercise Physiology at Cleveland State. I was able to study Awareness through Movement as part of Dance Therapy, Yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong by incorporating them into my graduate degree.
In 1998 I moved from Ohio to Bellingham, Washington, and studied Awareness Through Movement with Kenyth Freeman, PhD., a Somatic Professor at Western Washington University, Fairhaven College. Over the past two decades I’ve continued to teach and deepen my practice and training in this powerful, yet subtle movement therapy.
I am innately kinesthetic and enjoy playfully experiencing life through my physical senses. Awareness Through Movement has been especially important in supporting me in being healthy, happy and enjoying every moment of my life.
My intent is to enhance personal empowerment, self-exploration, and awareness in every student that I work with. I wish to serve the community through Feldenkrais education in a way that will “unfurl wings” so that one can “fly freely” and continue in life’s journey with joy!