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Functional Integration Session 

Awareness Through Movement Class

Functional Integration Session

Repatterning for Your Brain and Body

Think of the Feldenkrais Method® as safe, fun “puzzles” for your nervous system and brain. Each is designed to help you learn patterns about yourself and the world—helping you remember, learn and create new patterns of behavior.


In private lessons or classes, you will be involved in your own process of learning. How big, how fast or how “good” you do the movements is irrelevant.  The more you can relax and enjoy the exercises for the pleasure of doing them and learning, the more you will gain from them.


Learn More...

I invite you to experience The Feldenkrais Method®.  Please email or call me at 541-936-7274 to set up a private session or sign up for class.


Gentle, novel, easy, unusual, interesting movements direct your attention and intention in order to affect the neuroplasticity of the brain and to recognize unneeded effort. 
                            - Bradley D. Stiffler PhD.
I have referred many patients to Moondance over the years and they all have benefited tremendously from her treatments.


                  – Kris Kokay L.Ac.   

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